The Caged Vision Podcast

The Caged Vision Podcast is where strategic leaders, just like you, dive deep into the minds of those who’ve figured out how to turn their vision into a reality. The reality is, most leaders have a vision that is clear in their head, but they struggle translating this Caged Vision into an actionable plan. We work to solve this problem – From entrepreneurs to Air Force Generals, we explore the wisdom of leaders who are transforming and shaping tomorrow’s landscape. We love to mix great stories with laughter while ensuring you walk away with key takeaways to help you unlock your Caged Vision.

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

The Fundamentals of Customer Experience Show Notes: Your customers want an experience with your brand that is: - Unique - Memorable - Personalized The problem is your staff have different personalities and approach customer experience differently.

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

68: What’s Stopping You From Starting?

The imposter shepherds will: 1) Steel your passion 2) Kill your vision What are these imposters: 1st, CERTAINTY is not your shepherd. The quest for certainty is draining. 2nd imposter, INSECURITY. You?ll never be fully alive as a leader following your insecurity....

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

67: Storytelling Your Vision

Storytelling Your Vision: 1. Your employees want to be relevant to your organization 2. The problem is they're disconnected from your strategy: - It's not contextual/relevant - They don't know how to add value 3. As the CEO, you understand, because you've been an...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

66: Is It Your Season To Say No Or To Grow

This week on the Caged Vision podcast, we are talking with Clay Cark, host of the Thrivetime Show podcast, and serial entrepreneur. At the age of 13 Clay decides to ?go for it? with ingenuity and scrappiness he made it through, but his vision was not uncaged until he...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

65: Stay Focused On The Vision

"People that accomplish major things focus on the vision and focus on the vision and focus on the vision. They know the destination." ~ Anthony Zolezzi This week's show with the CEO of Twinlab Consolidation Corporation, Anthony Zolezzi, is all about keeping your eye...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

64: Why Are You So Afraid?

1. Compose Strategic Questions at their level Make Strategy Contextual Make Them More Engaged and That They Have Something to Add 2. Get Them to a Place of Self Discovery Don't Give the Plan Help Them Think Through the Assumptions 3. Remove Fear and Anxiety Show the...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

63: Status Quo – NOT The Risk Free Option

How Status Quo Happens: 1 - Drink Your Own Kool-Aid 2 - What Got You Here Will Get You There 3 - Build Trenches So Deep All You See Are The Sides Why The Status Quo Is So Sticky: 1 - Over Intellectualizing Strategy 2 - Not Engaging People Emotionally 3 - Defend Market...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

62: Don’t Trade Self Discovery and Exploration for Aughtness

Don't Trade Self Discovery and Exploration for Aughtness How Aughtness Happens: 1. Schooling 2. Career Advice 3. Keeping Up With The Joneses 4. Regret / Fear Of Missing Out 5. Not Making The Decision To Invest In Yourself What It Takes To Be Okay With Self Discovery &...

69: The Fundamentals of Customer Experience

61: The Power Of Habit

Using The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg to discuss the Cue, the Routine, and the Reward, but through the lens of the customer journey.

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